Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sign-up For Stories!

Yeah. so you know I have a story page, right? Well, want to be a part of it? Just comment here! Make it look like this:

Animal name (Nickname, optional)
Animal Type
Your username
What your animal will do in the story
Which story you want to be in
If you're confused, here's an example:

Magical Shyrabbit (Starshine/ Star)
Be the main character, who finds the Starstone
All of them

And here is a list of stories I have:
  • The Magic Of Friendship
  • A Special Friend
Be sure you are my buddy on AJ, since I'll need lots of screenshots! Buddy me: BunnyLuvArcticPaw. Or if it's full (like now), buddy me on  BunnyLoveArcticPaw instead!
    Cya, Jammerz!


    1. Animal name: Eternal Chillypaw
      Animal Type: bunny
      My user name: yowazup
      What my animal will do in the story: help Magical with the quest or something...
      Which story I want to be in: The Magic Of Friendship


    2. Magical Shyrabbit (Sorry not signed in)August 30, 2011 at 8:24 PM

      Okay, but do you mind if I make a nickname? There is also PuppyWolfz, with Eternal Spiritstone. It would be confusing to have two Eternals...

    3. ohh...that's alright lol

      can my nickname be.... shadowstar or....icyrose?

      oh icyrose i'll have my nickname Icyrose =D


    Please be nice, and try to stay on topic!