Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sorry For Posting So Much, but...

Every day, more jammers have more creative colors. And me? I think I'm a bit...plain. Do you think I should change anything in me?

And, a new page? I don't know what page I would make next. How about...
  • My Animals
  • Glitches
  • About me
  • Any suggestions?
  • Ideas
  • BFFs on AJ 
Yeah. I'll do anything for my blog to make it better.

Cya, Jammerz!

Don't Be Mean On Animal Jam!

Yeah, well you know I don't like jammers who...
  • Date. It's just sick!
  • Scam.
  • Beg me for rares.
  • Only like me because of rares.
  • Are part of the 'Smooth Scammers', a scamming clan.
  • Open a strip club.
 Craziness. So many jammers can be so mean sometimes.

 Cya, Jammerz!

I might not post much for the next few days...

Yeah, sorry for posting so much today! My cousin, here, thinks I'm crazy. Well I act all 'whatever' around her.

Enough of me. Yeah, I won't be posting too much. Maybe. So I gotta take turns with my cousins because I'm on vacation. Vacation in September? Yeah, it may sound weird. Summer vacation over, huh? Well, I live in Indonesia, to be honest. And most Indoneisans are muslim. I am celebrating Ramadan now. So... Yeah. I'm on vacation. But I may still post! But I may have to stop Buddy Of The Week for now. Sorry!

Cya, Jammerz!

Animal Jam Is NOT A Dating Site!

...Yup. So, have you seen people going "If you like me go to my den", "Match making at my den", "If you like me say I", "Boy wolves at my den" and things like that?

Um.. Yeah. So jammers are using Animal Jam like a dating site! If you want to have pet animals and mate them, try Happy Pets on Facebook, or FooPets, or other games like that. But not Animal Jam!

Also, strip clubs, night clubs, and such are also gross! It's not right! I've seen someone try to poison Jamma. They said "I'll give away my glove if someone opens a club."

People that do all those are gross! But, if we could mate with someones animals without any 'relationship talks' or anything gross, it would be nice. Raising wolf cubs, kittens, and such would be awesome.

Still, stay safe, jammers!

Cya, Jammerz!

Scammers Are Mean!

Yeah. Well, kind of a weird post, but have you heard of scammers? They scam your stuff, they steal your items and make you cry. I've lost count of how many times I got scammed. Suitelife99, Soul25, ilovemagic, Conlan7, those are all scammers. If you ever get scammed, report the scammer!

ilovemagic scammed my headdress. She made a bad trade, my headdress for her mummy glove. I have one already, just look at Star's signature look! Anyway, ilovemagic said she would give my headdress back. She left. The next day, she deleted me. She scammed me.

And as for that new mummy glove, suitelife99 scammed that. He said that if I sent my glove to him he would send me his glove to me. Yeah, non-member glove. They are so rare. I was trying to get a non-member glove for my friend right then.

Conlan7, he didn't scam me. But many jammers were scammed by him. He is well known for scamming. One day I saw many people say they got scammed.

Soul25, scammed Wando20.

Yeah. Scammers. They are the worst. If you scam, GO GET A LIFE AND LEAVE!

Don't scam. Beware of scammers!

Cya, Jammerz!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sign-up For Stories!

Yeah. so you know I have a story page, right? Well, want to be a part of it? Just comment here! Make it look like this:

Animal name (Nickname, optional)
Animal Type
Your username
What your animal will do in the story
Which story you want to be in
If you're confused, here's an example:

Magical Shyrabbit (Starshine/ Star)
Be the main character, who finds the Starstone
All of them

And here is a list of stories I have:
  • The Magic Of Friendship
  • A Special Friend
Be sure you are my buddy on AJ, since I'll need lots of screenshots! Buddy me: BunnyLuvArcticPaw. Or if it's full (like now), buddy me on  BunnyLoveArcticPaw instead!
    Cya, Jammerz!

    Saturday, August 27, 2011

    Jammer Buddies! *EDIT*

    EDIT: Ok, most of you said week. So it will be Buddy Of The Week. But sometimes, jammers will still get pictures!
    Yeah, well I'm going to make between Jammers of the week or Jammers of the month... Which is better? If I choose week it will be just a buddy or two with descriptions... If I pick month, there will also be a picture I drew of the Jammers I choose... So what to choose?
    Cya, Jammerz!

    Sunday, August 21, 2011

    Two of me?!

    I was going to May's den, when I saw that there was TWO of me! It was crazy!

    From Bad To Good

    I used to have met a mean jammer saying "GET OUT OF MY DEN!!!" a long time ago. I ignored them, and today(a LONG time after that happened), I met a jammer with an ignore sign. So it appears to be the old meanie I met once. They became totally different, and nicer! Perfect!

    Friday, August 19, 2011

    Nyan Cat Invades Blogs!

    Hi, fellow jammers! I've been playing AJ and then I combined AJ and Nyan Cat into one! Here is the link:

    Oh, and, before you click:
    Maybe you should, uh, turn your volume down a notch?

    Nyan Cats can be pretty noisy...

    And here are some blogs that I added Nyans:


    This is my new blog, it's all about an online game called Animal Jam. I love it, and my username on Animal Jam is BunnyLuvArcticPaw. You can call me my animal name(the front name of the animal I am currently using), Bunny, or Magical.

    I won't be posting very often, but I do at least once a week. I used to have a blog like this, but it somehow got deleted. That's why I made this one!

    Cya on Animal Jam!