Monday, September 19, 2011

Won't be posting for a while again...

Right now, I'm concentrating on pages, so I won't be posting much... Just a short notice.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Glove Giveaway!

So, you read the title. It said glove giveaway. Well, I did do a glove giveaway at my den once and at someone else's den too. I had a lot of fun there! Lots of people did too. I would put lots of gloves on my trade list, and people would go and get them. I also did a fashion show. I was at the Township, and I kept saying, "Fashion show at my den! Winner gets a glove! Non-members will get the glove by trading!" And jammers filled my den. I would yell out themes, and people would dress up. Many jammers got lots of gloves. I, at first, thought that only one person would get the glove. But instead, I gave all of them gloves. It was fun!